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How to Clean and Repair Your Siding | Oberg Roofing & Remodeling
Caleb Oberg : Mar 21, 2024 5:47:15 PM
Your siding is quite a valuable investment, so it’s a must to maintain its beauty and keep it in excellent condition. Oberg Roofing & Remodeling, one of the area’s top siding and roofing companies, shares some tips below on how you can ensure your siding stays in great shape.

Visual Checks
Perform regular visual inspections of your siding. Look for signs of damage that can potentially affect the layers underneath the cladding or pose danger to the structural integrity of your home. For wood siding, pay close attention to rot, pest infestation, moisture damage, and chipped paint. For vinyl siding, look for stains or streaks that may suggest water damage as well as loose boards and missing nails and screws.
New Paint and Sealants
Much like in roof replacement, sealants are also important, particularly in wood siding. They can make your home’s exterior look crisper, and they also act as a protective barrier against the elements. Experts suggest reapplying sealants at least every two years and paint at least every five years.
Any type of siding can benefit from regular cleaning, which ensures that no amount of dirt or mildew buildup can cause potential harm to the material. Vinyl is fairly easy to clean; you can simply use a garden hose to remove dust and dirt. The same can also be done to fiber cement siding. Of course, apart from the siding itself, it is also crucial to trim the greenery surrounding your home’s exterior. This will help prevent scratches and nicks that are often caused by tree branches.
Apart from steel roofs, Oberg Roofing & Remodeling also has expertise in siding, windows, decks, and more. We deliver exceptional service that local clients trust. Call us at (320) 407-3573 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Sauk Rapids and all of Central MN. If you have questions about care of your siding, give us a call. We are happy to walk you through options.